Still 'topping up' your gps device?
STOP! Connect with us now....

  • Are you tired of ‘topping’ up the prepaid sim of your tracking device?
  • The sim card in your device keeps expiring and you constantly replace?
  • Are you tired of tracking your assets via sms?
  • Are you not satisfied with the services of your current gps provider?
  • Do you need 24/7 TRUE REAL-TIME monitoring/tracking of your assets?
  • Do you need an up-to-date gps device with Anti-jammer technology?
  • Do you prefer to AVOID vehicle theft than recover a scrapped vehicle?
  • Do you need rapid stolen vehicle response and recovery?

If the answer is YES to any of these questions now is the time to join TrakXpertz Ltd!

‘Topping up’ the sim of your tracking device to communicate via sms is NOT the ideal way to maintain efficient tracking of your precious assets. Our platform is run on AWS Servers, providing 24/7, 99.99% uptime!